Holger Krischke
Born 1971 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Lives and works in Berlin and Münster, Germany
Master of Fine Arts in Photography (M.F.A.)
Tyler School of Art of Temple University,
Philadelphia, USA
Degree in Photo and Film Design, Dipl. Des. (FH)
University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany
Professional Training in Commercial Photography
Photo Studio Fritz Frech, Offenburg, Germany
Awards and Grants
2020 | German Photobook Prize (Shortlist) |
2019 | German Photobook Prize (Shortlist) |
2018 | Kassel Photobook Dummy Award (Shortlist) |
2018 | German Photobook Prize |
2016 | Hoepfner Foundation Photo Award |
2002 | IIE New York Grant |
2000 - 2002 | Fulbright Grant |
1998 | Fujifilm Shooting Star ´98 Award |
1997 | Polaroid Photo Academy Award |
Selected Exhibitions
2020 | Kunst in der Region 20, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel, Germany |
2019 | Well you know I have a love, A love for everyone I know, im_Keller, Münster, Germany |
2019 | Suche nach Schönheit, Fotofestival Lenzburg, Switzerland |
2018 | me|you, HilbertRaum, Projektraum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, Germany |
2017 | Kunst in der Region 17, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel, Germany |
2017 | Menschen. Bei uns. Neben uns. Mit uns., Hoepfner Stiftung, Karlsruhe, Germany |
2017 | Los, Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst e.V., Münster, Germany |
2016 | me|you, Ateliergemeinschaft Schulstraße e.V., Münster, Germany |
2016 | Projektion – Fotografische Behauptungen, Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, Germany |
2015 | Raumstation, Atelierausstellung, Berlin, Germany |
2008 | Instant Gratification : Eventual Consequences, _gaia studio, Jersey City, USA |
2008 | Invitational Group Show, The Kitchenette, Phoenix, USA |
2007 | Me and You, Nacht und Nebel Kunstfestival, Berlin, Germany |
2007 | Ego – Fotografische Positionen zum Ich, Wiesbadener Fototage, Germany |
2006 | Me and You, Europäischer Monat der Fotografie/Galerie Space Untitled, Berlin, Germany |
2006 | Without You, I‘m Nothing, Fotoclub Dreisamtal e.V./Kunstverein Kirchzarten, Germany |
2006 | ja, aber, Kunst- und Kulturfestival 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin, Germany |
2006 | Fotografische Sichten und Stahlskulpturen, Galerie im ARTelier, Ehrenkirchen-Kirchhofen, Germany |
2004 | First Contact, Nekojuice Ausstellung, Berlin, Germany |
2004 | Without You, I‘m Nothing, Galerie Space Untitled, Berlin, Germany |
2002 | The Show Up and Show Show, Temple Gallery, Philadelphia, USA |
2002 | Aces Wild: SPE Exhibition, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA |
2002 | Spring Collection/Tyler MFA Graduating Cuts, Third Street Gallery, Philadelphia, USA |
Holger Krischke
Born 1971 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Lives and works in Berlin and Münster, Germany
Master of Fine Arts in Photography (M.F.A.)
Tyler School of Art of Temple University,
Philadelphia, USA
Degree in Photo and Film Design, Dipl. Des. (FH)
University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany
Professional Training in Commercial Photography
Photo Studio Fritz Frech, Offenburg, Germany
Awards and Grants
German Photobook Prize (Shortlist)
German Photobook Prize (Shortlist)
Kassel Photobook Dummy Award (Shortlist)
German Photobook Prize
Hoepfner Foundation Photo Award
IIE New York Grant
2000 - 2002
Fulbright Grant
Fujifilm Shooting Star ´98 Award
Polaroid Photo Academy Award
Selected Exhibitions
Kunst in der Region 20
DA Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
Hörstel, Germany
Well you know I have a love,
A love for everyone I know
Münster, Germany
Suche nach Schönheit
Fotofestival Lenzburg
Projektraum für zeitgenössische Kunst
Berlin, Germany
Kunst in der Region 17
DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
Hörstel, Germany
Menschen. Bei uns. Neben uns. Mit uns.
Hoepfner Stiftung
Karlsruhe, Germany
Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst e.V.
Münster, Germany
Ateliergemeinschaft Schulstraße e.V.
Münster, Germany
Projektion – Fotografische Behauptungen
Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, Germany
Raumstation, Atelierausstellung
Berlin, Germany
Instant Gratification : Eventual Consequences
_gaia studio
Jersey City, USA
Invitational Group Show
The Kitchenette
Phoenix, USA
Me and You
Nacht und Nebel Kunstfestival
Berlin, Germany
Ego – Fotografische Positionen zum Ich
Wiesbadener Fototage
Me and You
Europäischer Monat der Fotografie
Galerie Space Untitled
Berlin, Germany
Without You, I‘m Nothing
Fotoclub Dreisamtal e.V.
Kunstverein Kirchzarten
ja, aber
Kunst- und Kulturfestival 48 Stunden Neukölln
Berlin, Germany
Fotografische Sichten und Stahlskulpturen
Galerie im ARTelier
Ehrenkirchen-Kirchhofen, Germany
First Contact
Nekojuice Ausstellung
Berlin, Germany
Without You, I‘m Nothing
Galerie Space Untitled
Berlin, Germany
The Show Up and Show Show
Temple Gallery
Philadelphia, USA
Aces Wild: SPE Exhibition
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, USA
Spring Collection/Tyler MFA Graduating Cuts
Third Street Gallery
Philadelphia, USA